Current Projects

Country: Egypt

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9 results found

Child Project 4.1 (GEF ID 9686) supports the GEF-funded UN MedProgramme, which is the first regional multi-focal area programme in the Mediterranean covering Chemicals and Waste (C&W), International Waters (IW), Biodiversity (BD) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), in terms of knowledge mana

The Child Project 2.2 (GEF ID 9685) is promoting the Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems Nexus approach and is catalyzing action for its adoption and implementation in the Mediterranean area.  

Child Project 2.1 (GEF ID 9687) addresses Mediterranean coastal zones where the most pressing climate-related and sustainability concerns are concentrated, and where most marine degradation originates. It is aimed at achieving positive impacts in the following domains: 

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